TURBO PASCAL FOR WINDOWS MULTIMEDIA EXTENSIONS DLL-LINK UNITS ------------------------------------------------------------- The included files in this archive are for use in Turbo Pascal for Windows to access the new functions and structures in Microsoft's Multimedia Extensions for Windows 3.x. This is not a complete implementation of the extensions. It is only the links into the mmp.dll and the mmsystem.dll. These units have not had much debugging time but the functions that I have tried worked perfectly. The files you should have received are as follows: mmp.pas { the function prototypes and imports for the multimedia movie player. } mmptypes.pas { the constants and structures used in mmp } mmsystem.pas { the function prototypes and imports for the multimedia system dll } mmtypes.pas { the constants and structures used in mmsystem } readme.txt { this file } Use these in good health, and sorry in advance for any errors. Steve Milton ISOMEDIA, Inc. "Makers of custom Windows software." 14808 NE 31st Circle Redmond, WA. 98052 (206) 869-5411 (206) 869-9437 FAX